Ukraine sets standards for energy supply and physical protection of energy facilities

11 окт, 18:00

Ukraine is setting standards for energy supply and physical protection of energy facilities after Russia severely damaged the country's energy infrastructure for six months last winter. This was announced by the head of the Kyiv City Military Administration, Serhiy Popko, commenting on Ukraine's preparations for the coming cold weather and the autumn-winter period.

The introduction of physical protection and backup power supply schemes has become one of the most important initiatives in ensuring the security of the country's energy system. According to Serhiy Popko, this issue is a high priority, as uninterrupted power supply is a key factor in ensuring the comfort of citizens during the cold months.

Last winter, Popko noted, was an important experience, and thanks to joint efforts with power engineers and utilities, work was carried out to restore the operation of Kyiv's thermal power plants.

Over the spring and summer, Ukraine has taken a significant step forward for the first time in the world by creating physical protection for its energy infrastructure. This means that important facilities now have an additional layer of protection to help avoid possible attacks or emergencies.

At the same time, backup power supply schemes and plans have been developed to overcome the possible consequences of energy disruptions. This will allow the country to respond more effectively to any adversity and ensure uninterrupted power supply for citizens and production needs.

According to Popko, this initiative will become a symbol of consolidation of efforts of various sectors, such as air defense, government, energy and utilities, to ensure the country's sustainability and security in the energy sector.

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