A new step in development: McDonald's plans to cooperate with gas station chains

02 май, 10:00

The company "McDonald's Ukraine Ltd", which is actively developing the chain of McDonald's fast food restaurants in Ukraine, has announced its plans to implement partnership programs with gas station chains.

According to Vitaliy Stefurak, director of development of McDonald's in Ukraine, this initiative involves the creation of integrated service complexes for motorists and travelers. The first example of such cooperation was already implemented in October 2023, when a restaurant was opened near the M-06 Kyiv-Chop highway next to the WOG gas station near Zhytomyr.

"This project demonstrates our concept of cooperation, when a full range of services, including the opportunity to eat, is formed in one location. This is not a competition, but a complementarity that provides visitors with more opportunities," Stefurak explained.

The company's plans include the implementation of similar projects in regional centers, million-dollar cities and their satellites. Next, McDonald's is considering opening restaurants at gas stations on key highways.

Stefurak emphasized that the company does not have exclusive agreements with any of the players in the gas station market. "We evaluate locations according to our criteria and work with key players such as WOG and KLO," he added.

Currently, the construction of a McDonald's establishment is underway in Odesa next to the OKKO gas station, but this restaurant will be located in the city, not on the highway.

According to Stefurak, these projects are not experimental, but are part of the company's strategy to determine the optimal locations for new McDonald's restaurants. "We are open to cooperation with various partners, as location is a priority for us," the network development director emphasized.

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