The seventh batch of subway cars from Warsaw arrived in Kyiv

11 окт, 12:00

The process of strengthening the subway system in the capital of Ukraine continues. The Kyiv Metro utility company has announced that it has received the seventh batch of subway cars that were previously in use in Warsaw, Poland.

According to the company, six more cars were delivered from Poland to Kyiv last week. This event is part of the technical assistance provided to the capital's subway by Polish partners.

In a statement, Kyiv Metro said that this is the seventh batch of cars delivered by its Polish colleagues. In total, it is planned to receive 60 cars by the end of this year.

Each received car is subject to technical inspection by a specialized commission. Experts assess the technical condition of each railcar in detail and determine whether it can be used further.

The process of obtaining assistance from Polish partners involves a thorough inspection and assessment of the condition and technical characteristics of each car, as well as discussion of various options for their effective use in the Kyiv subway.

At the same time, it is noted that some of the cars require current and overhaul repairs to ensure safe and reliable operation, and this will be taken into account in plans for the further use of new car deliveries.

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