Delayed sowing by Ukrainian farmers: overview and crop forecast

29 апр, 09:30

Ukraine's 2024 sowing campaign is facing a significant delay due to frequent rains that have hampered spring sowing in almost all regions of the country. According to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, as of April 26, 2 million 546 thousand hectares of grain and pulses were sown in the government-controlled areas. However, this figure is 20% less than last year, which indicates a possible negative impact on the future harvest.

It is noted that precipitation complicates sowing, and this is reflected in the statistics. In particular, the following areas of grains and legumes have been planted: corn - 1 189 thousand hectares, barley - 761.5 thousand hectares, wheat - 223.3 thousand hectares, peas - 159.2 thousand hectares, oats - 146.6 thousand hectares.

Over the past week, farmers sowed 492.9 thousand hectares, with the largest areas planted in Kyiv, Dnipropetrovs'k, Ternopil, Khmelnytsky, Zhytomyr and Vinnytsia regions.

We should also mention sunflower planting on an area of 1 million 996.9 thousand hectares, soybeans on 208.6 thousand hectares and sugar beets on 238.7 thousand hectares. Farmers in Vinnytsia, Poltava, Khmelnytsky, Bukovyna and Chernihiv regions have already completed sowing sugar beet.

According to Agriculture Minister Mykola Solsky, the delay in sowing is 20% compared to the previous year. This may affect the next stages of crops, in particular the timing of corn sowing. Nevertheless, he is confident that farmers will have time to take all the necessary measures to harvest the crops, but it is important to complete the sowing work on time.

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