Inflation in June in Ukraine was below 15% according to preliminary estimates of the NBU

10 июл, 12:30

According to preliminary estimates of the National Bank of Ukraine, inflation in June in Ukraine was below 15% in annual terms. This was reported in the July macroeconomic and monetary review published by the regulator.

The NBU notes that in June, electricity tariffs for households were increased, but this did not prevent the downward trend in inflation from continuing. This is because other factors, such as the strengthening of the cash exchange rate, a large supply of food, and lower fuel prices due to the availability of sufficient stocks, outweighed the impact of the increased tariffs.

The NBU maintains that the disinflationary trend is continuing and that underlying inflationary pressures are decreasing in line with expectations. This development is supported by improved inflation and exchange rate expectations, as well as a favorable situation on the foreign exchange market and a stable energy situation.

The NBU emphasizes that the decline in inflationary pressures is taking place in the context of an overall improvement in the economy. Ukraine is witnessing positive trends in the foreign exchange market, as well as a reduction in the negative impact of costs in a stable energy sector.

According to the macroeconomic and monetary review, the NBU will continue to monitor the market situation and take measures to support the stability and development of the economy, including controlling inflation.

Positive inflation indicators help maintain price stability and strengthen confidence in the national currency, which is important for the country's economic development and the improvement of citizens' lives. The NBU will continue to promote favorable conditions for sustainable economic growth and macroeconomic stability in Ukraine.

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