First million tons of grain harvested in Ukraine

10 июл, 14:30

Farmers in 12 regions have started harvesting early grains and pulses. On an area of 308 200 hectares (3%) with a yield of 33.2 c/ha, 1.24 million tons of grain have already been harvested. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food.

Mykolaiv region is leading in terms of grain harvesting, having harvested 118,000 hectares (19%), while Odesa region has harvested the most grain - 468,800 tons.

In total, the following crops have been harvested:

barley - 235,000 ha (16%) with a yield of 34.3 c/ha, 805,800 tons harvested

wheat - 51,400 hectares (1%) with a yield of 33.5 cwt/ha, 172,00 tons harvested

peas - 21,700 hectares (15%) with a yield of 21.1 cwt/ha, harvested 45,800 tons.

In addition, farmers in five regions started harvesting winter rape. On an area of 47,700 hectares (3%), 86,200 tons of seeds were harvested with a yield of 18.1 c/ha.

The figures show a gradual start of harvesting in Ukraine and positive yield dynamics. Yields in many regions are higher than last year. However, it is important to note that this is only the beginning of the harvest season and the final results will be influenced by many factors, including weather conditions and agricultural practices. Agrarians do an important job of providing the country with an abundance of agricultural products.

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