Wind and solar projects could provide more than a third of the world's electricity by 2030

17 июл, 13:30

Wind and solar projects could provide more than a third of the world's electricity by 2030, indicating that the necessary changes in the energy sector can be implemented to meet global climate goals. These conclusions are contained in a report by the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) published by Reuters.

It is predicted that wind and solar projects will produce at least 33% of the world's electricity, compared to the current figure of about 12%. This will lead to a reduction in the use of fossil fuels and lower electricity costs, according to the RMI report.

RMI, a US-based nonprofit clean energy organization, conducted the study in collaboration with the Bezos Earth Fund, a $10 billion fund created by Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon, to finance climate change projects.

According to the report, the cost of solar energy, which is already the most cost-effective source of electricity, will drop from about $40 per megawatt-hour to $20 per megawatt-hour by 2030, thanks to the deployment of more projects and economies of scale.

"The rapid deployment of renewable energy has benefits such as greater energy security and independence, as well as long-term energy price deflation. The more you install, the cheaper it becomes," said Kingsmill Bond, senior director of RMI.

The implementation of wind and solar projects will not only help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but will also help create jobs and support sustainable development. An important obstacle to achieving these goals is the need for investment and political support for the deployment of renewable energy at all levels, from national to local.

The RMI report emphasizes the importance of cooperation between government agencies, the industrial sector, and the public to create favorable conditions for the development of wind and solar energy. This will help realize the potential of renewable energy and facilitate the transition to a sustainable and low-carbon energy future.

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