Bluesky social network expands its audience

07 фев, 14:00

The Bluesky social network is expanding its audience by making it publicly available to all users without the need for invitation codes, making it more accessible and attractive to a wide range of users. This decision was made by a team of developers who strive to make the platform more open and accessible to everyone.

Bluesky, founded by former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, has about 3 million users. In the past, access to the social network was limited by an invitation system, but now it is open to anyone who wants to join.

One of the key features of Bluesky is its decentralized structure, which gives users full control over their data. This means that the company does not have access to users' personal information, which is an important factor in choosing a platform for many people.

Bluesky has already found its fans among those looking for an alternative to Twitter and other social networks. In particular, the platform has gained popularity among those who are dissatisfied with the politics and exploitation of other social networks.

According to, by April 2023, the Bluesky app for iOS had more than 375 thousand downloads. The platform is now available for Android users, making it more accessible to a wider audience. Previously, it was possible to join Bluesky only by invitation, but now this obstacle has disappeared.

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