Simplifying the procedure for changing the designated purpose of land: new opportunities for economic recovery

09 фев, 09:30

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has adopted Law No. 9627 aimed at significantly simplifying the process of changing the designated purpose of land in order to support economic recovery. This initiative is intended to remove bureaucratic obstacles for those planning to build new industrial or energy facilities in Ukraine.

According to MP Dmytro Kysylevsky, the new law will significantly reduce the time required to obtain permits to change the designated purpose of a land plot. Instead of the previous three years, this process will now not exceed 1.5 months.

One of the key changes introduced by this law is the abolition of the requirement to develop urban planning and land management documentation for changing the designated purpose of land from agricultural to industrial use. Instead, such a change can now be made on the basis of a conclusion from local urban planning and architecture authorities.

It should be noted that the new simplification procedure applies to areas outside settlements where there is no urban planning documentation and will be applied to industrial and energy facilities during martial law and for five years after its end.

MP Kysylevsky emphasized that this simplification will reduce the possibility of corruption schemes and eliminate unreasonable obstacles for investors. He emphasized the importance of maximum state support for those who wish to develop industry in Ukraine.

The law will come into force as soon as it is signed by the President, opening up new opportunities for economic development by simplifying the procedures for changing the designated purpose of land plots. This is a step towards creating a more favorable environment for business and investment in Ukraine.

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