Price dynamics for fruits and vegetables in Ukraine: market analysis

26 фев, 17:00

According to the latest data from the weekly review of EastFruit trading platforms, the Ukrainian fruit and vegetable market shows some changes compared to last year. Prices for some products, in particular onions, have increased, while the cost of carrots and apples has been on the decline.

The latest analyzes of EastFruit analysts indicate that last week carrots became the leader in terms of popularity on the market, but due to a significant inflow of goods, prices for it began to fall. At the same time, there is an increase in the supply of potatoes and greens.

Today, Ukraine is witnessing an increase in prices for onions (UAH 13-15 per kilogram) and tomatoes (UAH 70-115 per kilogram). Meanwhile, white cabbage and beetroot have fallen in price, but pumpkin has risen in price. Prices for garlic, on the other hand, have declined. As for greens, the price of green onions and dill went up, but lettuce lost in price.

The main changes in vegetable prices include a drop in the price of beets (11-15 UAH per kilogram), cauliflower (115-120 UAH per kilogram), broccoli, and garlic. On the other hand, greenhouse tomatoes, bell peppers, and pumpkins went up in price due to limited supply.

As for fruit, apples and pears became cheaper, while prices for other items remained stable. Against this backdrop, it is worth noting that the dynamics of prices for fruits and vegetables in Ukraine continues to reflect changes in supply and demand on the market.

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