Government and business: New horizons of cooperation to improve the business climate

27 фев, 11:00

The Government of Ukraine and representatives of Ukrainian business have signed a statement on deepening cooperation to improve the business climate in the country. This historic agreement was announced during the presentation of the All-Ukrainian Economic Platform "Made in Ukraine", which was created at the initiative of the President of Ukraine.

The joint statement, signed by the government and representatives of business associations, expresses deep indignation at the existential threat to Ukrainian statehood and emphasizes that effective interaction between business and government has become a matter of national security.

The statement says that the joint work between the government and business involves creating a new format of dialogue to address pressing issues such as tax transparency, combating illegal pressure on entrepreneurs, and supporting the development of Ukrainian producers.

The document was signed by Yulia Svyrydenko, First Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Ukraine, and representatives of key business associations, including Dmytro Oliynyk, Chairman of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine, and others.

The statement also outlined specific commitments of each party. In particular, the government pledged to create favorable conditions for business, reduce the administrative burden and increase the transparency of the taxation system.

For their part, business representatives promised to pay taxes in the prescribed amount, officially employ workers, and invest in production and business development in Ukraine.

This agreement defines the priority areas of cooperation between the government and business, including reducing pressure on entrepreneurs, creating a favorable business climate and developing Ukrainian producers. The work on these issues will be carried out on the basis of the Business Support Council and other platforms of business associations.

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