The impact of the Polish border blockade on the cost of food in Ukraine

10 апр, 09:30

The blockade of the border by Poland has had some impact on the cost of food in Ukraine, but according to Mykhailo Nepran, First Vice President of the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, this impact is mainly on imported goods such as fish, seafood, and jamon. However, Ukraine's domestic market remains stable, store shelves are not empty, and agricultural products almost completely supply the domestic market.

The Vice President of the Ukrainian CCI emphasized that Ukraine has the ability to almost completely provide itself with agricultural products, including bread, milk, meat and cereals. This demonstrates the resilience of the domestic market to external factors, such as border blockades.

According to the expert, the rise in prices concerns mainly imported goods that were previously imported through Poland. In particular, seafood from Northern Europe, such as salmon and salmon, as well as branded alcohol, have mostly experienced price increases due to detours through Romania and Moldova.

Nevertheless, it is important to note that the Ukrainian-Polish border is of strategic importance for trade, especially with Western Europe. According to the expert, goods from Turkey, Bulgaria, and Greece mainly go through Romania, but the Polish border remains a key route for goods from Western Europe.

Confectioners have also experienced problems with supply disruptions, as they were negatively affected by the lack of cocoa beans. Nevertheless, Ukrainian chocolate producers demonstrate significant export potential, ranking third in Europe after Switzerland and Belgium.

In general, despite temporary difficulties in some sectors of the industry, the domestic market of Ukraine remains stable and able to adapt to external challenges, which opens up prospects for the development of domestic production and exports.

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