Germany offers Ukraine equipment from its closed thermal power plants

23 апр, 14:00

Ukraine has received a proposal from Germany to transfer equipment from its closed thermal power plants to be used in the restoration of Ukrainian thermal power plants damaged by Russian shelling. This was announced by the Minister of Energy of Ukraine Herman Galushchenko.

He emphasized that Lithuania had previously made a similar proposal, but Germany has many more closed thermal power plants, which makes this issue more relevant for Ukraine.

According to Galushchenko, German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck personally made this proposal. He also noted that the equipment may need to be repaired, but Ukraine is ready to do the necessary work to ensure the operation of the TPPs next winter.

The minister noted that the Ukrainian energy sector is going through difficult times, especially given the difficulties in determining the extent of damage at the damaged facilities. However, he dismissed the myths about an imminent total blackout, emphasizing that the energy sector is doing everything possible to prevent disasters.

Galushchenko also emphasized that the situation is currently under control, but everything depends on Russia's further actions. There is no doubt that Russia will continue its aggressive policy.

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