The losses of the farmers of Donetsk region as a result of the war exceeded 5 billion hryvnias

02 май, 16:00

The losses of Donetsk region's farmers as a result of the war exceeded 5 billion hryvnias, said Olena Rybakova, deputy director of the Department of Agriculture and Land Resources of the Donetsk State Administration. However, this figure may increase, since it is impossible to assess the damage in the occupied territories. There are 352 agricultural enterprises listed in the register of affected enterprises, although there were about 850 of them before the war.

"It is difficult to say exactly how many enterprises are left in the region, because the situation changes every day," Rybakova added. It should be noted that a study by the Kyiv School of Economics and the World Bank testifies to the losses of the Ukrainian agricultural sector due to the invasion of Russia, estimated at more than 80 billion dollars.

According to this report, substantial investment, estimated at $56 billion, is needed to rebuild the agricultural sector over the next 10 years, of which $435 million is a priority for 2024. Most of the funds have already been collected through donor funding.

This is an important topic, because the agricultural sector is an important component of the Ukrainian economy. Stabilization of the situation in the agriculture of Donetsk region will require coordinated actions of the government, business and international organizations. The government has an important task of restoring and supporting agricultural enterprises in the conflict zone. After all, this will become not only a matter of economic development of the region, but also of ensuring food security and social stability.

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