Record prices for bananas in Ukraine: what influenced it

05 май, 15:00

Banana prices in Ukraine and other Eastern European countries set a new record for this period of the year. According to the analytical agency EastFruit, the wholesale price for a kilogram of bananas in Ukraine reached $1.26, which exceeded the previous record of $1.23. This increase in prices is associated with Russian aggression, which caused the blocking of ports, so fruits are imported into Ukraine from other countries.

In the retail trade, banana prices range from $1.7 to $1.8 per kilogram.

"The main reasons for the increase in banana prices in Eastern Europe this year are climate changes affecting production volumes in Central American countries and high apple prices, which allow banana prices to rise," explains economist Andriy Yarmak.

Usually in May, there is a decrease in the demand for bananas and, accordingly, their prices in the markets of Eastern Europe. However, wholesalers do not expect a significant drop in demand this year due to high demand for bananas from Ecuador.

Such a situation on the fruit and vegetable market requires the attention of authorities and business entities, because high prices can affect consumer activity and inflation indicators. In other words, the rise in banana prices is becoming an important economic factor that needs careful analysis and effective measures.

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