Khmelnytskyi will receive UAH 1.45 billion within the «Made in Ukraine» platform

06 май, 09:30

In early May, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, during his visit to Khmelnytskyi, presented the "Made in Ukraine" economic platform and took part in the presentation of this project. An official notice on this matter was published on the website of the Office of the President.

"It is very important for me to create a Made in Ukraine platform to know in the face of domestic manufacturers who provide jobs and strength to our budget to support soldiers," the head of state emphasized, stressing the importance of supporting domestic manufacturers, especially those who actively help the Ukrainian economy throughout the war period.

Zelenskyi also noted the importance of ensuring the stable operation of the region's energy system and protecting the civilian population from missile attacks, which indicates a comprehensive approach to the economic and social development of the region.

First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Yuliya Svyridenko noted that regular meetings with businesses in the regions are a key tool within the "Made in Ukraine" policy. This allows solving both local problems of entrepreneurs and challenges for entire sectors of the country's economy.

Svyridenko also gave examples of business support measures that have already been successfully implemented in other regions of Ukraine, in particular in the Kharkiv region. She reported that within the framework of the "Made in Ukraine" platform, no less than 1.45 billion hryvnias of aid is provided for the Khmelnytsky region. This amount could increase if more local businesses join the support programs.

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