The fruit market in Europe and the USA continues to demonstrate growth dynamics

11 май, 15:00

The fruit market in Europe and the United States continues to demonstrate growth dynamics. According to the World Association of Apple and Pears, as of April 1, 2024, apple reserves in Europe increased by 0.3% compared to the previous year and amounted to -674,616 thousand tons, while pear stocks increased by 16.3% , reaching 135,589 thousand tons. This is reported by freshplaza.

Apple and pear reserves have similarly increased in the United States. In particular, as of April 1, 2024, stocks of apples amounted to 290,664 thousand tons (by 36.2% more compared to 2023), and stocks of pears also increased to 32,438 thousand tons (by 7.9% more than in 2023).

The World Association of Apple and Pear Growers monitors stocks every month. According to data, in the European Union, the increase in apple stocks became possible due to the increase in the number of such varieties as Golden Delicious (by 41.3%), Cripps Pink (by 12.9%) and Fuji (by 2.5%). Meanwhile, Idared decreased by 28.4%, Jonagold by 14%, and Elstar by 48.1%.

The growth of pear stocks in the EU (by 16.3%) is due to the increase in the volume of Conference pears (by 19.8%) and Doyenne du Comique (by 60%). However, the remains of the Alexandrina variety decreased by 56.5%, and Abat Fetel - by 100%, although from a low base.

In the US, stocks of apples also increased significantly (36.2% more than in 2023), and stocks of pears showed an increase of 7.9%. There was an increase in the number of Fuji apples (by 14.1%), Gala (by 0.2%), Golden Delicious (by 46.8%) and Granny Smith (by 72.2%).

Among the American varieties of pears, stocks of the Bosque variety (by 423.4%) and Red Anjou (by 30.1%) increased the most.

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