Development of vegetable production in Volyn: current indicators

12 май, 15:00

In Volyn, the volume of vegetable production continues to grow, representatives of Sospilny note. According to the Department of Agro-Industrial Development of the Regional State Administration, 13,000 hectares of land have already been set aside for planting vegetables, while only 4% of them belong to agricultural enterprises and legal entities, and the rest belong to the personal farms of individual farmers.

Oleksandr Knysh, the head of the crop production department, gave interesting figures regarding the plans for this year: potatoes are planned to be planted on 89,000 hectares, and 80% of the work has already been done. Last year, in autumn, the region collected an impressive amount of potatoes - 1 million 300 thousand tons, and about 300 thousand tons of other vegetables.

Half of the grown vegetables meet the needs of consumers in the region itself, and the rest continues to reach various markets in Ukraine. Carrots are especially important, occupying more than 4,000 hectares, and about 100,000 tons are harvested.

The official noted that the region not only meets its needs, but also actively cooperates with other regions of Ukraine, where the volume of vegetable production has decreased. Considerable attention is also paid to the cultures of the borscht set, in particular, cabbage, beets and onions.

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