Directions of development of the bitcoin rate after the halving: an expert's forecast

13 май, 09:30

After the Bitcoin halving, further growth is expected, according to expert Natalia Boyko, founder of SpiceProp. According to her, if by mid-autumn this development will come together, we can expect the coin to reach the level of $110 to $112,000. You can read more about the predicted dynamics of the cryptocurrency exchange rate in the article "After the halving. What will affect the bitcoin exchange rate until mid-autumn".

"The road to this goal can be varied. In the previous three cases after the halving, there were significant pullbacks in the first two months, but they did not exceed 25%. In the current situation, this means that Bitcoin in May-June can experience a pullback to $50 thousand. With from the point of view of statistics, this is the most negative scenario, after which the exchange rate will again go to $110-112 thousand", - explains Nataliya Boyko.

One of the main reasons for the possible correction of the BTC rate may be the traditional May sale on global financial markets, the expert notes. In fact, according to statistics, the return on the stock market during May-October is 3-4 times less than during the period from November to May. This makes Wall Street advise: "sell in May and leave."

"So, the correlation with stock indices can easily affect the cryptocurrency," Boyko warns.

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