Record blueberry export from Ukraine: new opportunities and challenges

14 май, 09:30

In 2023, Ukraine achieved a historical record for blueberry exports, sending more than 4,000 tons of this blue berry in fresh form to foreign markets. This news, made public by EastFruit, became a real sensational gain for the participants of the agricultural market, taking into account the difficult situation with the military aggression of Russia and the logistical difficulties faced by Ukrainian exporters due to the blockade of the borders.

Economist of the FAO investment department, Andriy Yarmak, explains this success by the increase in the quality and volume of blueberry production in Ukraine. Young plantations, which are actively developing in the country, contribute to an increase in yields. Also, the decrease in domestic demand in Ukraine, due to the mass eviction of citizens in connection with the war, stimulates the increase in the export of berries.

The success of Ukrainian blueberry exporters in the foreign market is determined by their ability to diversify supplies. In particular, after difficulties with supplies to Poland, Ukrainian companies looked for alternative markets, which allowed them to get more favorable conditions and higher prices for products.

We will remind that the yield of blueberries in Peru, one of the world's largest exporters, decreased due to bad weather, which caused a sharp increase in prices for its berries in Europe. This opened up new opportunities for Ukrainian exporters, who managed to capture market share and obtain significant profits.

It should also be noted the growth of blueberry exports to other EU countries, such as Germany, the Netherlands and Spain. Ukraine also successfully broke into the TOP-7 exporters of this berry to China. These positive trends indicate an increase in the competitiveness of Ukrainian manufacturers on the world market.

The involvement of Ukrainian manufacturing companies in the leading supermarket chains of the European Union is another important step for the development of the export of blueberries from Ukraine. High requirements for the quality of products and the rhythm of deliveries open up new opportunities for the growth of Ukrainian agribusiness.

In general, the record export of blueberries from Ukraine testifies to the success and potential of the Ukrainian agricultural sector on the international market, as well as the ability of Ukrainian companies to adapt to difficult conditions and find new ways of development.

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