The dynamics of business closures in Ukraine: where are the most closures

15 май, 14:00

In the first four months of 2024, Ukrainian entrepreneurs and individual entrepreneurs (PEPs) experienced significant challenges, as almost 31,000 of them ceased their activities. The largest number of business closures was recorded in Kyiv, Kharkiv Oblast and Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. This data is provided by the analytical agency "Opendatabot".

According to the agency, in the first four months of the current year, 30,904 private enterprises decided to stop their activities. This is more than 23% of all newly created FOPs last year, which stopped their work in 2024, which is 7.3 thousand enterprises.

It should be noted that despite these challenges, the number of new businesses in the country is growing: in the first quarter of the current year, more than 74,000 new FOPs were registered.

The analysis shows that the most closed businesses are in the field of retail trade, which accounts for 34.9% of all terminated FOPs.

According to "Opendatabot", the largest number of closed businesses is registered in Kyiv — more than 3.8 thousand or 12.4% of all closed business establishments. In the second place in the rating is Kharkiv Oblast with almost 2,400 closed businesses (7.7%), and the third place is occupied by Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, where almost 2,400 FOPs (7.7%) also ceased their activities.

Odesa and Lviv Oblasts were also included in the list of regions with a high level of closed businesses, where 7.7% and 6.8% of FOPs ceased their activities, respectively.

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