$30 million investment: Philip Morris opened a factory in Lviv Oblast

16 май, 09:30

Philip Morris International opened a new production factory in the Lviv region, the cost of the project is $30 million.

This was reported by the company's press service. Five production lines are planned to be launched at the new enterprise. The first line was already launched in May this year. The remaining four lines are planned to be put into operation by the end of 2024, which will allow to reach a capacity of 10 billion cigarettes per year. This will fully cover the needs of the Ukrainian market.

General Director of "Philip Morris Ukraine" Maksym Barabash said that this year the company celebrates 30 years of work in Ukraine. During this period, Philip Morris invested about $750 million in the country's economy.

"Investments by companies such as Philip Morris are of great importance for improving the image of Ukraine. This helps attract international investors, create new jobs and gives hope for a quick post-war recovery," said Barabash.

250 new jobs will be created at the new factory. Currently, about 100 employees transferred from the Kharkiv Philip Morris plant work here. Another 150 workers are planned to be transferred by the end of the year.

In addition, the company allocated more than UAH 1.3 million for the repair of a public shelter near the factory and plans to invest another UAH 60 million in the construction of its own shelter on the territory of the enterprise. This underlines Philip Morris' commitment to contribute to the social and economic stability of the region.

Адрес новости: http://e-finance.com.ua/show/277147.html

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