Women in business: more than half of new FOPs in Ukraine were opened by women

21 май, 09:30

In 2024, women in Ukraine continue to actively participate in entrepreneurial activities. According to the Unified State Register, more than 43,000 individual entrepreneurs were registered by women during the first quarter of this year. This indicator is more than half of the total number of newly created FOPs during this period, which indicates the growing activity of women in business.

Analytical platform "Opendatabot" reports that 43,554 new FOPs were opened by women in the first three months of 2024. This is a record figure for recent years, which is 59% of all new enterprises. Thus, women have demonstrated a significant contribution to the development of small businesses in Ukraine.

On the other hand, men opened 30,496 new FOPs during the same period. For comparison, in 2021, the share of women among newly created FOPs was only 51%. This indicates a significant increase in the number of women who decided to start their own business in recent years.

Women most often choose such areas of activity as retail trade, provision of individual and information services. In particular, 68% of female FOPs are engaged in retail trade, while among men this figure is only 32%. In the field of providing individual services, women make up 89%, while men - only 11%. In the field of information services, women also dominate with a share of 63% against 37% for men.

Men, in turn, more often choose computer programming and wholesale trade for their activities. According to analysts, 58% of male FOPs are involved in programming, while women in this field make up 42%. In wholesale trade, men also slightly predominate with an indicator of 52% against 48% of women.

So, we can conclude that women in Ukraine are actively expanding their presence in the business environment, occupying key positions in many areas of business. This is a positive trend that contributes to the development of the country's economy and the creation of new jobs.

Адрес новости: http://e-finance.com.ua/show/277184.html

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