The NBU introduces restrictions on card transfers between individuals

27 май, 09:30

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) plans to introduce new restrictions on card transfers between individuals, setting limits on the amount and number of transactions. According to the draft decision, the maximum amount of such transfers will be 100 thousand hryvnias per month, and the number of transactions will be limited to 30 per month for one account.

This was reported by with reference to representatives of the NBU. According to the regulator, the new limits will apply to outgoing p2p transfers (person-to-person), which are made from one card to another between individuals. These measures are aimed at countering the illegal gambling business and other illegal financial transactions.

The introduction of restrictions is based on the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) from April, which provides for strengthening the fight against the illegal gambling business. The new rules are expected to come into effect within a month.

During a meeting with the media, Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine Dmytro Oliynyk said: "We are considering the possibility of introducing a limit on weekend p2p transfers from the accounts of individuals in the amount of 100,000 hryvnias per month and limiting the number of such transfers to 30 during the month. According to our calculations, 95% bank customers will not experience these restrictions. Instead, it will make it more difficult for criminals who use the cards of individuals to avoid paying taxes and other criminal activities."

Oliynyk added that the restrictions will not affect incoming transactions, so as not to create problems for volunteers and other categories of citizens who receive financial assistance. In cases where there are grounds and confirmation, the limits may be increased as an exception.

According to the NBU, the volume of shadow transfers can reach billions of hryvnias. Criminals often use the cards of individuals who knowingly provide them with their personal data. This allows large amounts of money to be transferred through the cards of pensioners or students with low incomes.

Since the fall of 2023, the NBU has recorded an abnormal increase in the volume of p2p transfers across the system. Also, the number of cards from which such transfers are made and the average amounts of transfers in individual issuing banks are also increasing. One of the largest issuing banks informed the NBU about the detected "drops" - persons who, for a fee, provide criminals with access to their bank details. Only in the period from October to December 2023, more than 10 thousand such customers were identified. Another bank discovered more than 4,000 compromised cards in the same period.

According to CASE Ukraine analysts, due to various schemes, such as VAT, counterfeiting, the gray market of excise goods and wages "in envelopes", the state loses at least 100 billion hryvnias per year.

"If people knowingly transfer their personal data for illegal activities, how are they different from, for example, drug couriers?" - emphasized NBU Chairman Andriy Pishnyi.

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