Ukrzaliznytsia plans to purchase 80 electric locomotives

01 июн, 15:00

"Ukrzaliznytsia" announced the launch of a tender for the purchase of 80 electric locomotives, financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the US government as part of the World Bank project for the restoration of critical logistics infrastructure and network connectivity (RELINC). This information is posted on the tender portal ECEPP (EBRD Client e-Procurement Portal), reports

The total purchase amount will be 480 million euros, of which 300 million euros will come from the EBRD and 190 million dollars - from the United States. The main goal of the project is the purchase and delivery of up to 80 dual-power mainline electric locomotives (direct current and alternating current) with a minimum operating speed of 120 km/h.

Potential suppliers must provide two options for tenders: for 80 locomotives in two separate contracts (30 with World Bank money and 50 with EBRD money) and for 30 locomotives in one contract (with World Bank money).

Minimum requirements for bidders include experience of at least two similar contracts for 10 locomotives each and production capacity for at least 18 locomotives annually.

The deadline for submission of tender offers ends at 11:00 a.m. on July 22. "Ukrzaliznytsia" expects that this is a significant step in strengthening the potential and efficiency of Ukraine's network connection through the improvement of transport infrastructure.

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