FSMU successfully sold non-core assets of Forests of Ukraine, receiving almost 10 million hryvnias

29 май, 09:30

The State Property Fund of Ukraine (FSMU) sold non-core assets of the state enterprise "Forests of Ukraine" located in the Sumy region. The total amount received from the sale was 9.85 million hryvnias, which was a significant contribution to the state budget.

This information was provided by the head of the FDMU Vitaliy Koval, who reported on the successful holding of privatization auctions. He noted that 5 participants took part in each of the lots, which indicates a high level of interest and competition.

The head of the FSMU explained that we are talking about buildings with woodworking industry equipment in the village of Voronezh, which were sold for 8.15 million hryvnias. This amount exceeded the starting price by 1.7 times. Another object, a building with an area of 366.3 square meters in the "Kovaleva" tract of Shostky district, was sold for 1.7 million hryvnias, which is 4.5 times more than the initial cost.

"Successful online auctions once again confirm that privatization is a timely and necessary step. It not only allows you to effectively attract investments, but also creates new jobs and stimulates business development in the regions," Vitaliy Koval emphasized.

According to Koval, the state-owned enterprise "Forests of Ukraine" transfers to the State Property Fund non-core assets that were inherited from forest farms and require significant maintenance costs. Among such facilities are old sanatoriums, workshops, warehouses and offices. FSMU is preparing these objects for privatization by organizing open online auctions through the "Prozorro.Prodazhi" system.

"Thus, non-performing assets turn into real financial resources that support the country in this difficult time," the head of the State Property Fund concluded.

Адрес новости: http://e-finance.com.ua/show/277273.html

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