Repair of the Metro bridge in Kyiv: Costs and expectations

30 май, 14:00

Municipal corporation "Kyivavtodor" announced its intention to carry out the restoration of the Metro bridge over the Dnipro River in Kyiv. The cost of the planned works is more than 2 billion hryvnias, which is reflected in the tender announcement on the Prozorro website.

According to the information, the repair work, including the adaptation of driveways and the implementation of emergency measures, should be completed by December 31, 2026. This project aims not only to restore the structural integrity of the bridge, but also to improve its safety and functionality to ensure smooth traffic flow.

The repair contractor will be responsible for restoring all necessary elements of the Metro bridge, including its structure and road surface. Great attention will be paid to preventive measures to avoid accidents and ensure the long-term operational safety of the structure.

This project is considered important for the infrastructural development of the capital of Ukraine, as the city of Kyiv needs constant improvement of its transport network, in particular the bridges that provide communication between different parts of the city and its surroundings.

Bidders are expected to provide a high quality standard of repair work, which will allow the Metro bridge to serve the residents and visitors of the city without interruption and safely for many years after the completion of the project.

These repairs are planned to be carried out in accordance with all technical safety requirements and engineering construction standards, which will ensure the optimal functioning of the Metro bridge and its durability in the future.

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