Alibaba introduced stricter rules for using its service for Russia

31 май, 09:30

The Chinese company Alibaba, the owner of the AliExpress marketplace, introduced stricter rules for the use of its service for Russia, ceasing to accept rubles and not allowing delivery to this country.

This is reported by the Russian mass media.

According to information, such steps of the Chinese company are aimed at avoiding secondary sanctions.

This decision by Alibaba will lead to the fact that Russian businesses, both large and small, will be forced to cooperate with proxy suppliers. In other words, Russian enterprises will use bank cards of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia or other countries to make payments.

At the moment, it is not clear whether it will be necessary to order additional delivery of goods from these countries to Russia. The Chinese company of the carrier did not provide information about the possibility of delivering goods directly to Russia, as it was before.

Due to these changes, according to analysts' forecasts, the prices of all goods will increase significantly.

The money that Russian companies have already transferred to China to pay for goods is promised to be returned.

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