An agreement was signed to provide Ukraine with a loan in the amount of EUR 100 million

12 июн, 10:00

At the International Conference on the Reconstruction of Ukraine (URC2024), which took place on June 11, the Minister of Finance of Ukraine Serhiy Marchenko and the head of the Development Bank of the Council of Europe, Carlo Monticelli, signed an agreement to provide Ukraine with a loan of 100 million euros. These funds are aimed at the implementation of the project "NOME. Compensation for destroyed housing".

This was reported by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

The project "NOME. Compensation for destroyed housing" aims to provide financial assistance to citizens whose homes were destroyed as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation. These funds will provide important support to those who have lost their homes and help restore the country's housing stock.

Serhiy Marchenko noted that the signing of this agreement is an important step in the direction of recovery and support for Ukrainian citizens affected by the war. "This loan will be a significant help for those who need compensation for the lost roof over their heads. We are grateful to our international partners for their support," Marchenko said.

Carlo Monticelli, for his part, emphasized the importance of cooperation with Ukraine in this critical period. He emphasized that the Development Bank of the Council of Europe is ready to continue supporting Ukraine in reconstruction and assistance to its citizens. "This is just one of the many steps we are ready to take to support the Ukrainian people," Monticelli noted.

This agreement is part of wider international support for Ukraine to rebuild after the devastating effects of the war. It demonstrates the solidarity and readiness of the international community to help Ukraine overcome challenges and restore vital infrastructure.

Thus, the €100 million that Ukraine will receive under this agreement will become an important resource for compensating the losses suffered by Ukrainian families due to the armed aggression of the Russian Federation. This financial assistance will not only support the affected citizens, but also contribute to the overall recovery of the country.

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