Cargo turnover of Ukrainian ports in May: statistics and prospects

13 июн, 09:30

In May, Ukrainian seaports processed 8 million 265 thousand tons of cargo, which is almost twice as much as in the corresponding period last year. However, this indicator is lower than the April result, when 9 million 912 thousand tons of cargo were processed. This indicates a certain decrease in the pace of cargo processing in May compared to the previous month.

This is reported by the Administration of Sea Ports of Ukraine. According to the data, grain and ore cargoes were the most actively processed, amounting to 5.3 million tons and 1.5 million tons, respectively. This is a significant increase compared to May 2023, when these figures were much lower.

6.7 million tons of cargo were transported through the Ukrainian Corridor in May. Of these, 4.5 million tons were produced by Ukrainian farmers, which emphasizes the importance of agriculture for the country's economy and its export opportunities.

In total, in the first five months of 2024, Ukrainian ports handled almost 46 million tons of cargo. For comparison, during the same period last year, this figure was 26.6 million tons. Such a significant increase indicates the restoration and improvement of Ukraine's export capabilities.

The growth of cargo flow through Ukrainian ports is an important indicator not only for the country's economy, but also for world trade. Ukraine continues to play a key role in ensuring world food security, supplying large volumes of agricultural products to international markets.

The recovery of exports and the increase in the volume of cargo through Ukrainian ports demonstrates the country's ability to adapt to challenges and effectively use its capabilities. This creates prerequisites for the further development and growth of the economy, strengthening Ukraine's position on the world stage.

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