Investment loans for farmers: New opportunities for the development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine

17 июн, 09:30

A farmer from the Kherson region received a UAH 1 million loan from Ukrgasbank for the development of his agribusiness. This loan became the first investment loan that was guaranteed by the Fund for Partial Guarantee of Loans in Agriculture. The total amount of the guarantee was 500 thousand hryvnias.

This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine. This loan will provide the agricultural producer with the opportunity to purchase the necessary equipment to improve production processes, in particular, a sprayer and a grain packing machine.

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine emphasizes that the Partial Credit Guarantee Fund actively cooperates with such banks as Ukrgasbank, Oschadbank and Prokredit Bank. These financial institutions have already issued the first loans to agricultural producers for working capital.

The fund guarantees coverage of up to 50% of loan obligations to Ukrainian banks, which significantly reduces risks for banks and encourages them to issue loans to farmers.

To obtain access to the Fund's guarantees, a farmer must be registered in the State Agrarian Register. This ensures transparency of the process and simplifies access to financial support.

The Fund for Partial Guarantee of Credits in Agriculture is a non-banking financial institution established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Its main goal is to support the development of the agricultural sector by providing guarantees for loans, which contributes to the growth of productivity and efficiency of agriculture in Ukraine.

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