Ukraine is expanding the autogas market: the first deliveries from Libya

21 июн, 13:00

The Ukrainian energy market marked a new stage in the history of energy imports: for the first time, a batch of liquefied gas from Libya arrived in the country. The Odesa company "Dancor Trade" acted as an importer of this product.

According to the industry publication Enkorr, which refers to the "A-95 Consulting Group", on June 15, 2.55 thousand tons of gas of Libyan origin were cleared through customs in Ukraine. This stage became an important step in the diversification of gas supplies for the Ukrainian market.

According to information on vessel traffic tracking services, on June 12, a batch of gas from the Libyan port "Mellitah" was delivered by the Orinda vessel to one of the Danube terminals. This confirms the growing interest in Libyan gas among Ukrainian importers.

An important detail is that the producer of propane and butane supplied to Ukraine from Libya is Mellitah Oil & Gas B.V. This enterprise is known for its high quality products and reliability of supplies on the international market.

With the start of export deliveries of autogas from Libya to Ukraine, local consumers get new opportunities to expand their supply chains and reduce dependence on individual suppliers. This opens up prospects for the further development of the country's energy market and contributes to its stability in the face of global economic challenges.

Western governmental regulation and support for the import of energy carriers from Libya indicate a positive signal for Ukrainian business and investors regarding the stability and transparency of international economic relations.

Expanding partnership ties in the field of energy between Ukraine and Libya can be the first step towards long-term strategic agreements aimed at joint development of energy infrastructure and ensuring the energy security of both countries.

Thus, the introduction of liquefied gas from Libya to the Ukrainian market is an important step in the direction of expanding international trade relations and supporting Ukraine's energy security.

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