A new powerful gas well was opened in Ukraine: daily production reaches 439 thousand cubic meters

24 июн, 13:00

JSC "Ukrgazvydobuvannya", which is part of the "Naftogaz" Group, successfully drilled and put into operation a new powerful gas well. Every day, this well supplies Ukraine with 439,000 cubic meters of blue fuel.

This was reported by the press service of Naftogaz of Ukraine.

The well was drilled for the purpose of exploration in order to clarify the geological structure and assess the gas potential of the newly discovered deposit. Its depth is 5,767 meters. Drilling of this well began in September 2023, the work was performed by the drilling operations department of Ukrburgaz.

The idea of ​​drilling this well belongs to the head of the Department of Traditional Resources of the Dnipro-Donetsk Basin and the Poltava Department of Geological Exploration. It is important to note that these wells are important for the assessment and expansion of the country's gas resources.

"We got positive results on this well. This means that there is a prospect of further exploratory drilling in this field to increase the raw material base and the volume of gas production," emphasized Oleg Tolmachev, head of Ukrgazvydobuvannya.

According to him, the drilling of two more exploratory wells, which are currently being prepared for testing, has been completed at this field. This indicates the significant potential of the field and opens up new opportunities for increasing the volume of gas production in Ukraine.

The success of this exploratory well demonstrates the efficiency and professionalism of the Ukrgazvydobuvannya team and contributes to Ukraine's energy independence. The discovery of new gas deposits and increased production are of key importance for ensuring a stable supply of energy resources in the face of modern challenges.

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