Control over the production and circulation of food additives in Ukraine will be strengthened

01 июл, 09:30

The Government of Ukraine is actively working on legislative initiatives aimed at improving control over the production and circulation of food additives in the country. In particular, a draft law has been developed, which has already received the support of the government and is awaiting consideration in the Verkhovna Rada, aimed at eliminating gaps in the legislation related to the control of dietary supplements. This initiative is one of the requirements for the harmonization of Ukrainian legislation with the legal norms of the European Union.

According to the information provided by the press service of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the draft law received the support of the government on June 28. This step is defined as key in ensuring the safety and protection of consumer rights in the field of food products.

The government draft law provides for the elimination of existing gaps in the control mechanisms for the production and circulation of food additives, which will improve the quality and safety of these products on the Ukrainian market. The introduction of new regulatory acts will also contribute to the unification of requirements for the production of food additives with international standards, which is an important step in the direction of Ukraine's integration into the European integration space.

The need to eliminate gaps in the legislation arose in the context of strengthening control over the quality of food products and ensuring their safety for consumers. According to the representatives of the government, this is an important step in the implementation of transparent and effective state supervision mechanisms that meet international standards.

It is expected that after the adoption of the draft law by the Verkhovna Rada, its implementation will contribute to the creation of favorable conditions for the development of domestic manufacturers of food additives, as well as strengthening consumer confidence in the quality and safety of products on the market.

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