In the last few months, the Kyiv real estate market has seen a steady decline in the cost of secondary housing

05 июл, 10:00

In the last few months, the Kyiv real estate market has seen a steady decline in the cost of secondary housing. Now you can buy an apartment in the capital at a significant discount, since the supply on the market has increased, and the demand remains low.

According to the data of the LUN platform, the average prices indicated in the ads differ significantly from the real sales prices. The average price of a one-bedroom apartment on the secondary market is $60,000, while the actual sale price is only $45,000.

"When we see apartments in ads for $60,000 and real sales for $45,000, it doesn't necessarily mean that all owners are dropping their prices by $15,000. Maybe the cheaper apartments quickly find buyers, and the more expensive ones stay on the market or get sold from sales to better times," explains Lyudmila Kiryukhina, head of LUN Statistics.

The average price of apartments for sale in Kyiv is $90,000, but in reality they are sold at a lower price. Apartments that are more expensive can either remain in the ads for a long time, or the owners gradually reduce their value.

As for two-room apartments, the difference between announced and real prices is even greater. The average listed price today is $90,000, while actual sales are $55,500.

In general, the decrease in the cost of secondary housing in the capital has been going on for several months. For example, three-room apartments at the beginning of the year cost an average of $139,000, and now - $130,000.

In contrast, the cost of primary housing in hryvnia is increasing. At the beginning of the year, the average price per square meter was UAH 48,300, while today it has increased to UAH 51,900. The number of new buildings for sale remains stable — 180, which is 341 queues in residential complexes. Currently, there are 191 housing units under construction, 30 of which are at the excavation stage.

These trends in the real estate market of Kyiv indicate a change in the dynamics of supply and demand, which may affect future prices and housing affordability for residents of the capital.

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