Dynamics of pork prices in Ukrainian supermarkets: analysis and trends

12 июл, 10:00

In June of this year, a noticeable decrease in the prices of chilled meat semi-finished products from pork was observed in Ukrainian supermarkets. According to the monthly monitoring data of the "Swinemakers of Ukraine" Association, the average price per kilogram of chilled pork decreased by 0.9%, to the level of UAH 191.9/kg, compared to the previous month.

The price reduction process mainly concerns certain types of meat products. For example, the scapula and femur lost 2.3% and 2.8% in value, respectively. At the same time, the prices for tenderloin and sirloin practically remained at the previous level, with a slight decrease of 0.3%.

However, not all categories of pork fell under this trend. For example, a collar, which is especially popular during the picnic season, rose in price by 1.6%. This indicates the variability of the influence of various factors on the formation of price policy in the meat market.

According to information from the Association "Swine Farmers of Ukraine", in addition to seasonal factors, changes in price dynamics are also influenced by economic conditions and technological transformations in the retail trade sector. For example, the increased costs associated with adapting to emergency circumstances, such as power outages, may have partially affected the final prices for consumers.

According to suppliers' feedback, many market participants quickly adapted to the new conditions and were able to normalize their work by the end of the month. Thus, the decrease in pork prices in June reflects not only seasonal fluctuations, but also the readiness of the market to respond to economic challenges.

Finally, it is important to note that the dynamics of price changes for pork interacted with similar trends in the markets of other types of meat. For example, chicken over the same period showed a price decrease of 0.8%, while beef increased in price by 5%. This emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive analysis of market trends for consumers and participants of the meat industry in Ukraine.

Адрес новости: http://e-finance.com.ua/show/277662.html

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