Growing demand for premium cars in Ukraine: what is behind this phenomenon?

12 июл, 15:00

Despite the difficult conditions of the war, the Ukrainian market shows an increase in demand for premium cars. This phenomenon has interested experts who are trying to find an explanation for this trend among consumers.

According to the "Financial Club", during the round table discussion "The role of lending and leasing in the development of the car sales market", financiers expressed different theories about this phenomenon. Oleksandr Rozumenko from SC "INGO" noted that the situation resembles the trend of 2014-2015, when high demand was observed for such premium brands as BMW and Mercedes, and the share of such expensive cars in leasing for small and medium-sized businesses increased.

Regarding the possible reasons for this phenomenon, Rozumenko suggested that the purchase of expensive cars may be aimed at taking capital abroad. Another point of view was expressed by Andrii Androschuk from OTP Leasing, pointing out that in difficult economic conditions, people are looking for ways to protect their funds from devaluation, and this may lead to increased interest in luxury items, including premium cars.

Danylo Sereda from Ukreximbank added that another possible reason for the growth in demand for premium cars is the desire of people to satisfy their desires "today and now", avoiding postponing purchases for the future due to the uncertainty of the situation. This may explain the increased interest in cars that were previously considered too luxurious.

Despite the economic challenges, Ukrainian consumers continue to show interest in premium cars, which is reflected in the dynamics of sales on the market. This testifies to various aspects of the consumer's psychology and his approach to financial management in conditions of instability.

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