Ukraine expects an increase in soybean and sunflower production in the new season

20 июл, 15:00

In the next marketing year 2024/25, Ukraine plans to significantly increase the production of major oil crops, in particular soybeans and sunflowers. The total production forecast of these crops is 22.5 million tons, which is 3.8% higher than last year's figure according to the State Statistics Service (21.686 million tons). This is reported by the APC-Inform agency, referring to information from Ukroliyaprom.

According to experts' forecasts, soybean and sunflower production are expected to increase this season, while rapeseed production may decrease.

In particular, the greatest growth is predicted for soybeans, which is expected to increase by 7.5% from 4.743 million tons last season to 5.1 million tons. This increase is due to an increase in the sown area by 7.4%, up to 1.97 million hectares, while maintaining the yield at the level of 25.9 quintals per hectare.

For sunflower, production is forecast at 13 million tonnes, compared with 12.76 million tonnes in the previous season, representing an increase of about 2%. The yield is expected at 24.5 t/ha, while the area under sunflower will increase to 5.3 million hectares, which is also 2% more compared to the previous season.

Ukroliyaprom forecasts rapeseed production at the level of 4.1 million tons, which is 2% less than in the 2023/24 season (4.184 million tons). This decrease is associated with a 4.3% reduction in the area under oilseed rape, to 1.37 million hectares, while maintaining the yield at the level of 29.2 t/ha, which remains at the level of last year.

These forecasts indicate a tendency to increase the production of key oil crops in Ukraine, which is an important element of the country's agrarian policy for the coming years.

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