The EU is considering the possibility of imposing tariffs on Ukrainian goods: what does this mean for Ukraine?

17 июл, 10:00

The European Union is considering the possibility of introducing tariffs on the import of Ukrainian honey, corn and poultry meat due to possible exceeding of the established trade quotas. According to the European Commissioner for Agriculture, Janusz Wojciechowski, such a protective mechanism may be adopted to make imported goods less competitive on the European market.

The introduction of tariffs can significantly complicate the situation for Ukrainian manufacturers, reducing their opportunities in foreign markets and affecting the country's economy as a whole. This move also jeopardizes the already existing trade relations between Ukraine and the European Union.

Wojciechovskyi also noted that a similar protective mechanism was previously applied to other Ukrainian products, in particular to sugar, eggs and oats. The European Commission is currently analyzing the situation regarding other agricultural products from Ukraine.

Honey (89% of the limit), corn (65%) and poultry meat (59%) are the closest to the introduction of the duty, which already emphasizes the need for protective measures for these goods on the European market.

Since July 2 of this year, the European Union has already returned tariff quotas for eggs and sugar from Ukraine due to the increase in import volumes from the beginning of 2024. These goods were included in the list to which "emergency braking" was applied due to exceeding the established import volumes.

It is noted that additional imports of these goods will continue subject to the application of the most-favored customs regime, which may affect their availability and price policy on the EU market.

Thus, the introduction of tariffs on Ukrainian agricultural products can become a serious test for exporters from Ukraine, change trade flows and force the Ukrainian side to look for new strategies for interaction with European partners.

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