The risk of stopping the supply of diesel fuel from Slovakia: threats and prospects

25 июл, 10:00

Ukrainian traders warn about the possible termination of the supply of diesel fuel from Slovakia, but a shortage in Ukraine should not be expected. This is reported by market participants, enkorr informs.

Fuel from Hungary and Slovakia currently continues to flow to Ukraine. Last week, Ukrainian companies cleared 6,000 tons of diesel fuel, which indicates the stability of supplies at the moment.

One of the major importers of diesel fuel from Hungary noted that there are currently no signals of supply interruption, but the possibility of such a situation remains. The main cause of concern is the cessation of pumping of raw materials from the Russian company "Lukoil", which significantly limits the production capabilities of oil refineries in Hungary and Slovakia.

Fuel produced from non-Russian oil is supplied to Ukraine from Hungary and Slovakia. If Slovakia faces a fuel shortage, it will have to choose which market to direct its limited resources to - domestic or Ukrainian. As one of the market participants notes, although fuel supplies to Ukraine will not stop completely, they may significantly decrease.

It is worth noting that the Ukrainian fuel market is quite flexible and ready for possible changes in supply. Even in the case of a decrease in the volume of supplies from Slovakia, there are opportunities to find alternative sources of supply, which will avoid the shortage of diesel fuel in the country.

So, despite the potential risks, the situation with the supply of diesel fuel to Ukraine remains stable for now. Market participants closely monitor the development of events and are ready to respond quickly in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

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