The EU announced the provision of 68 large generators to Ukraine

29 июл, 18:00

The European Union has announced the provision of 68 large generators to Ukraine, which will be used to ensure uninterrupted operation of critical infrastructure. This move is part of the humanitarian program of the German government and is supported by the EU against the background of ongoing attacks on the Ukrainian energy system.

The project provides for the supply of generators, which are vital to ensure the functioning of key infrastructure facilities such as hospitals, water supply systems and other important institutions affected by damage or interruptions in power supply.

The EU representation in Ukraine confirmed that the city of Pokrovsk will be among the recipients of aid. This city will receive generators that will help ensure a stable heat supply for its residents, which is especially important in the winter cold and possible power outages.

In particular, the EU emphasizes the criticality of the situation that has developed due to regular attacks on the energy infrastructure of Ukraine. Transferable generators should become a key element in ensuring the continuity of critical facilities and services, which is critical to sustaining daily life and activities in the affected regions.

It is worth noting that this step also reflects the commitment of the European Union to support Ukraine in conditions of conflict and crisis. The generator program is part of a broader humanitarian effort aimed at mitigating the effects of war on civilians and reducing humanitarian risks.

These generators are expected to be delivered in the coming weeks and installation will begin shortly after their arrival. This will help ensure stability in critical infrastructure facilities, which is particularly important for the restoration of normal life in Ukraine.

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