Early harvesting of remontant raspberry varieties in Ukraine: challenges and opportunities

30 июл, 10:00

In 2024, an abnormally early harvest of remontant varieties of garden raspberries is observed in Ukraine, which usually begins in mid-August. This unexpected seasonal shift significantly affects the dynamics of the country's berry market.

According to experts who monitor the agricultural situation, remontant raspberries are already available on the market at prices from 100 to 130 hryvnias per kilogram ($2.4-3.2 per kg). Yulia Tymoshenko, head of the frozen fruit production project "Tiferet", emphasizes that the quality of remontant raspberries is much higher compared to raspberries of summer varieties.

Remontant raspberries are expected to enter the market in the coming weeks, which may lead to some reduction in prices for this berry. On the other hand, high demand for frozen raspberries will continue to keep their prices at a consistently high level.

The global raspberry market is currently facing problems of insufficient supply and a significant increase in demand. Ukraine, as one of the key producers, also feels the consequences of these global trends. Problems with the harvest in Serbia, the decrease in raspberry acreage in Poland and the difficulties associated with the war and labor shortage in Ukraine make it difficult to stabilize the situation on the domestic market.

In general, the early harvesting of remontant raspberry varieties in Ukraine not only opens up new opportunities for producers and exporters, but also presents them with challenges in terms of resource management and maintaining price stability. The situation remains dynamic and requires careful monitoring and analysis to effectively respond to changes in the berry market.

Адрес новости: http://e-finance.com.ua/show/277808.html

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