Expanding the list of agricultural products with a limited shelf life: what does this mean for Ukrainian producers?

01 авг, 10:00

The Ukrainian government continues to support and improve the storage conditions of agricultural products, expanding the list of goods that require a special processing and storage regime. This decision was adopted at the last meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in response to active appeals by associations of producers and processors.

In particular, new items were included in the list of products with a limited shelf life, including bee queens, various types of cabbage (head cabbage, kohlrabi, cauliflower, leaf), gherkins, lettuce and chicory. These changes are aimed at ensuring optimal storage conditions, which is critical for maintaining product quality until consumption.

In addition to this, the list of products that require a special storage regime included rapeseed or mustard oil and their fractions, fillets of certain types of fish, as well as frozen meat and other products. This expansion of the list will make it possible to respond more effectively to the requirements of product quality and safety, which is an important aspect for the health of consumers.

It is expected that these innovations will improve the standards of processing and storage of agricultural products in Ukraine. Manufacturers and processors will now have the opportunity to ensure the high quality of their products and maintain their competitiveness on the market.

In general, the expansion of the list of agricultural products with a limited term and a special storage regime reflects an important step in the direction of improving conditions for agricultural producers in Ukraine. This decision will improve the quality of products and ensure safety for consumers, which is the main priority of the government's policy in the agricultural sector.

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