Mezhihirya Park: The first results of the work brought the state more than 2 million hryvnias

06 авг, 10:00

Mezhyhirya tourist park, which officially started its activities under the auspices of the state only two weeks ago, has already shown significant financial results. As reported by the Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, Ruslan Strilets, the park earned more than 2 million hryvnias in this short period.

The opening of Mezhihirya Park as a state institution took place on July 19, 2024. Since that time, the park team has been actively working on its development, attracting new employees. The change in the status of those who took care of the park on a volunteer basis for years is especially important. Now these people have received official positions in the state structure. In July alone, 40 new employees joined the team, and the total number of park employees reached 111 people.

Ruslan Strilets noted that the goal of the state is to transform "Mezhyhirya" into a park of the European level, which will become a popular place for recreation both for residents of Kyiv region and for guests from all over Ukraine. Ambitious plans include the creation of a park that would be comparable in popularity and infrastructure to the Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney or Central Park in New York.

During the first two weeks of operation, the park brought more than 2.1 million hryvnias to the state budget. Of this amount, 420,000 hryvnias were taxes, including VAT. This result shows the high interest of the public in the new state facility, which is emphasized by the number of visitors — more than 10,000 people. Among them, 500 combatants had the opportunity to visit the park for free. In addition, the park provides discounted tickets to large families, orphans, children of orphanages and boarding schools, and also introduced a special "Family" ticket, which has already been used by more than 180 families.

In general, during the first eight months of operation as a state institution, "Mezhyhirya" paid more than 4.4 million hryvnias in taxes to the budget. These indicators testify to the successful start of the park and its prospect of becoming an important cultural and tourist center of the country.

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