Remote work market: How demand and salary have changed

09 авг, 10:00

The coronavirus pandemic has significantly affected the global labor market, accelerating the transition to a remote work format. This trend was particularly noticeable in industries such as the IT sector and creative industries, including advertising, PR and design. However, remote work has also found its place in fields such as logistics, retail and call center work, as new research from OLX confirms.

According to OLX, Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine has made adjustments to the labor market, increasing interest in the remote work format. The main reason for this is to ensure personal safety and protection of life. The demand for remote work continues to grow, as Ukrainians try to adapt to new conditions.

In 2022, more than 33,000 jobs with a remote format were posted on the OLX Robot platform, which received more than 1.8 million reviews. Although the number of such vacancies decreased in 2023, interest from candidates increased, reaching more than 2 million reviews. In the first half of 2024, the number of responses to remote work exceeded 1 million, which indicates the constant interest of Ukrainians in this format of work.

OLX analysts highlight that the areas where employers are most loyal to remote work include IT, marketing, PR, advertising, education, financial services and creative industries. Specialists from these fields can perform their duties from anywhere in the world, which ensures business continuity and reduces risks.

On the OLX Jobs platform, the most popular fields of remote work are retail, advertising, design, PR, administrative staff, HR and education. In 2024, the median salary for remote workers in Ukraine is 18,500 hryvnias, which is 23% more than in 2022. High salaries in the field of logistics are especially noted, where the median salary reaches 22,500 hryvnias, which exceeds salaries in design and education.

In conclusion, analysts note that telecommuting allows employees to ensure personal security, gain flexibility, save time and money, and improve work-life balance. This work format provides an opportunity to better organize time between professional and personal affairs, which is important in modern conditions.

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