Inflation in Ukraine remained at 0% in July

12 авг, 18:00

During July 2024, inflation in Ukraine stopped at 0% compared to the previous month. This was reported by the press service of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine.

The report states that annual inflation has risen to 5.5%. This shows that, although there was no general increase in prices in the consumer market in July, prices still showed a noticeable increase over the year.

On the consumer market in July, prices for food products and non-alcoholic beverages decreased by 0.6%. Vegetables and eggs fell in price the most - by 19.6% and 11.4%, respectively. A decrease in the prices of lard and poultry meat was also noted.

Despite the general decrease in prices, some products recorded an increase in value. In particular, the price of sugar rose by 12.1%, and the prices of processed grain products, sunflower oil, bread, soft drinks, rice, fruit, fermented milk products, milk, pasta and butter also increased.

Prices for alcoholic beverages and tobacco products rose by 1.0%, in particular, tobacco products rose in price by 1.3%, and alcoholic beverages by 0.7%.

It is also noted that in July the price of clothes and shoes fell by 3.7%, in particular, clothes - by 4.1%, and shoes - by 3.4%. Prices for transport, on the contrary, increased by 0.7%, which is due to the increase in the price of travel in road passenger transport by 0.8% and fuel and lubricants by 0.6%.

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