Ukrainian grain exports through Constanta fell by more than 40%: factors and consequences

20 авг, 15:00

In the first half of 2024, the volume of Ukrainian grain exports through the Romanian port of Constanta decreased by 43.5% compared to the same period last year, reaching 4.24 million metric tons. Such data is provided by the Port Authority of Constanta, reports MarineLink.

This significant drop in export volumes is due to the fact that Ukraine was able to partially reorient its exports to its own ports thanks to the opening of a new shipping corridor. The importance of Black Sea ports for exports has increased, reducing the need for alternative routes through neighboring countries.

According to the Administration of the port of Constanta, only in June 2024, 740,000 tons of Ukrainian grain were transported through this port. In total, by the end of June 2024, grain exports through the port of Constanta amounted to 15 million tons, which is almost unchanged compared to the same period last year.

It is worth noting that at the beginning of August, Ukrainian farmers predicted the total export of grain and oil crops at the level of 60 million tons in the 2024/25 marketing year, which corresponds to last year's indicators. This testifies to the stability of the Ukrainian agricultural sector, despite significant geopolitical challenges.

After the start of a full-scale Russian war against Ukraine in 2022, the port of Constanta became an important route for the export of Ukrainian grain. However, with the restoration of the possibility of exporting through Ukrainian ports, the need to use the Romanian port decreased.

Efforts to increase the capacity of the port of Constanta, supported by funding from the European Union, have made it a key transport hub not only for Ukraine, but also for other countries such as Serbia, Hungary and Moldova. However, the current changes may force the port to reconsider its role in regional logistics.

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