Cow maintenance costs are increasing: problems and prospects of the dairy industry in Ukraine

21 авг, 15:00

Despite the general decrease in the number of cattle in Ukraine, some dairy farms continue to expand their herds, investing in keeping high-yielding cows. Farmers in regions that remain relatively safe, even in the face of war, are upgrading existing facilities and building new ones.

Reduction of the cattle herd is a long-term problem for Ukrainian agriculture. The lack of effective state support for dairy farming, as well as the negative impact of the war, significantly worsened the situation. The tendency to reduce the stock has been observed for several years, and it is difficult to overcome it without significant changes in the policy of supporting the industry.

Keeping cows has become more expensive due to a decrease in the profitability of milk production. The costs of feed preparation, diesel fuel and electricity are increasing, while the prices of finished products are not keeping up with these changes. Rising production costs are a serious challenge for dairy farms trying to remain competitive in such conditions.

Against the background of these problems, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine is working on the development of new approaches to support domestic milk producers and processors. The goal of these initiatives is to ensure the competitiveness of Ukrainian milk on the European market and to overcome negative economic trends.

Supporting the dairy industry is critically important for the stability of the agricultural sector in Ukraine. Given the current problems and changes in the economic environment, the adaptation of state policy can be the key to the recovery and development of dairy farming in the country.

Farmers who invest in the modernization of their facilities hope for positive changes in state support, which will allow not only to preserve, but also to increase the number of highly productive cows. It is important that the new initiatives of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy meet the real needs of the industry and contribute to its long-term development.

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