In Ukraine, a decrease in cabbage prices is recorded: what affected the market

23 авг, 15:00

This week, a significant drop in prices for white cabbage, which is an important component of the borscht set, was noted in Ukraine. According to the analysts of the EastFruit project, the price of this vegetable decreased by 13% compared to the end of last week, which came as a surprise to many market participants.

Experts say the main reason for this decline is the lack of adequate demand for cabbage due to its low quality. Seasonal weather conditions, in particular heat and drought, negatively affected the marketable appearance of medium varieties of cabbage, which made the products less attractive to consumers.

Farmers, faced with this problem, are forced to provide significant discounts in order to speed up the sale of the crop. According to analysts, farms are now ready to sell cabbage at UAH 17-24/kg ($0.41-0.58/kg), which, although cheaper than before, is still significantly more expensive compared to last year.

It is interesting that from mid-July 2024, a gradual increase in prices for white cabbage was observed. This was due to the fact that the supply of products from local producers was limited due to unfavorable weather conditions. Almost the entire territory of Ukraine suffered from heat and drought until the end of July, which negatively affected the yield of cabbage.

Despite the current reduction in prices, white cabbage on the domestic market of Ukraine still remains significantly more expensive than a year ago. According to analysts, prices for this vegetable are now on average 3.8 times higher than in the same period last year, which indicates significant market fluctuations and challenges for Ukrainian farmers.

Thus, the situation on the cabbage market remains difficult, and consumers can expect further changes in prices, depending on weather conditions and other factors affecting the quality and quantity of products.

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