The USA introduced a large-scale package of sanctions against Russia: who was affected by the restrictions

26 авг, 10:00

The United States of America has imposed another significant package of sanctions targeting nearly 400 individuals and entities that have helped support the Russian Federation's military machine and help it evade Western sanctions. This is stated in the statement of the US Treasury Department.

According to US Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo, Russia has turned its economy into a tool to support the Kremlin's military ambitions. He emphasized that the new sanctions are part of the commitments made by US President Joseph Biden and his colleagues from the G7 countries to destroy the supply chains of the Russian military-industrial base and payment channels.

The sanctions list includes more than 100 individuals and legal entities from 16 countries, including China, Switzerland, Turkey and the UAE. These countries are said to play a key role in enabling Russia to circumvent Western sanctions and continue its aggressive policy.

In addition, more than 60 Russian technology and defense companies have come under the influence of sanctions. These organizations are critical to the development and support of the Russian defense industry, which allows the Kremlin to continue its military operations in Ukraine.

The U.S. Treasury Department also emphasized that the new sanctions are aimed at weakening Russia's defense sector while preserving the Russian population's access to critical telecommunications and digital technologies. This will avoid additional complications for ordinary citizens, but at the same time limit the capabilities of the military-industrial complex.

The new sanctions list also includes Russian military development institutes, manufacturers of unmanned aerial vehicles and companies that serve the needs of the Russian military industry. Together with these organizations, their owners and managers have been sanctioned, which makes their activities even more difficult.

In addition, sanctions were imposed against companies associated with Russia's fuel and energy and metallurgical sectors, the financial sector, and the supply of dual-purpose goods for Russia's military-industrial complex to circumvent sanctions. The head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Andriy Yermak, also noted that the US is tightening export controls to Russia and Belarus, limiting the access of companies from these countries to software for numerically controlled machines.

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